Our dental office is accepting new patients!
New Patient Info
To speed up your first visit, click the button below to download the fillable New Patient Form pdf. Once filled, either print it and bring it with you on your first visit, or email it to AbbotsfordDentist@shaw.ca with the subject in the format of: "FirstName LastName New Patient Form.pdf"
We understand that technology is sometimes not the friendliest, so to help you out, scroll down to see a simple guide on how to fill out our New Patient Form before your visit. You may use any other pdf filling techniques, but please note that any edits made directly on Google Chrome without these steps will not be saved.
Step one: Download the New Patient Form on a computer
Step two: Open PDFescape.com and drag the pdf to the box. Alternatively, you may click "Choose File" and select it from your computer.
Step three: Fill out all the applicable highlighted spaces as accurately as possible. Double check to ensure that all information is correct
Step four: Save the pdf, and check the downloaded file one more time. Then, email it to AbbotsfordDentist@shaw.ca with the subject in the format of: "FirstName LastName New Patient Form" or bring it with you on your first visit.